I`ve had some good feedback regarding the models so far. One fellow gamer suggested that the transition from white to greens was too harsh, and recommended using inks to create a smoother transition. At first I tried just using watered down paints to cheat it, but not with great results. So I'm taking the challenge to learn a new technique using inks. Tonight was my first attempt. I took a series of pictures hoping to post them up, but most were either a little blurry and/or reflecting too much light to show the subtle differences. Unfortunately the lighting is not ideal (single lamp, needs to be direct to get enough light), and I'm also taking pictures with my phone (seems to do a better job than my wife's Coolpix 3000, go figure). But figuring all that out is a project for later.
Here's one photo taken after applying a few watered down coats of green ink around the transition area. After this I tried to bring out the white highlights a bit with a 3:1 water:white highlight but this turned out to be still too pigmented and wiped out most of the blending on the ridges. I saved what I could with a wet brush, added a bunch more water to the mix (probably 5:1 or 6:1 at this point) and re-applied it with better results.
I didn't expect it to be perfect the first time. As I was using a mini which I had previously tried to paint on the green-to-white transition the result isn't what I was hoping for (it was doomed to fail in this case). Next time around I'm gonna take the time to re-paint the whites first (shading and all) and start fresh.